速報APP / 工具 / AAC - Speech Abilities

AAC - Speech Abilities



檔案大小:135.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


AAC - Speech Abilities(圖1)-速報App

An augmentative and alternative communication tool that can be used by individuals with varying communication challenges. Those with pre-verbal, cannot speak, unclear speech, or needing supplement communication tools, can benefit from the AAC - Speech Abilities app. Its features are easily customizable, allowing quick personalization of the application to the needs of the user.


AAC - Speech Abilities(圖2)-速報App

* Swap buttons and folders locally or between users.

* Copy and paste multiple buttons and folders locally or between users.

AAC - Speech Abilities(圖3)-速報App

* Over 600 images to choose from.

* Search and download images from the internet.

AAC - Speech Abilities(圖4)-速報App

* Import images/pictures from your device or take new pictures without leaving the app.

* Resize, rotate, and move images/pictures in the image editor tab.

AAC - Speech Abilities(圖5)-速報App

* Record your voice to play with images or use the native text-to-speech.

* Pick from 70 different colors, for your border and background customization.

AAC - Speech Abilities(圖6)-速報App

* Unique password system to prevent students from accessing the button editor.

* Backup to your iCloud and share profiles with your other devices.

AAC - Speech Abilities(圖7)-速報App

* Use native keyboard to spell out words in combination with pressed button images.

* Switch between landscape, portrait, or free rotation.

AAC - Speech Abilities(圖8)-速報App

* Share your customized vocabulary sets with the community of users and download vocabulary set templates submitted by others.

* For use on phones and tablets.

AAC - Speech Abilities(圖9)-速報App

*** We will continue to improve the app, but we need your feedback. Click the "Email Customer Support" button in the app to let us know what features you would like to see added or if you find any bugs, and don't forget to rate us on the App Store.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad